We are working remotely Jan 1 - Mar 31, 2025 @ Stuart Marine West, Salt Lake City, Utah USA

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38 Gordon Drive
Rockland, Maine 04841



Summer Rentals

Summer Rentals  |  June 1 - October 1

Rental Destinations

  • Maine
  • New Hampshire
  • Vermont
  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Island
  • New York

Rental Fleet boats

  • Dinghies:  JC 9
  • Sailboats:  Rhodes 19 Keel, Rhodes 19 C/B, Mariner C/B, and Mariner Keel 
  • Powerboats:  Stuart 19

Seasonal Rental Rates

Pricing Available Upon Request.

Rental fees include insurance; mainland boat delivery, set-up, and launching; and boat hauling, pack-up, and return transport to Stuart Marine Corp.

All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Sailboat Weekly RENTAL RATES

$895 / 6-day Rental in Maine | $1000 Security Deposit

$1095 / 6-day Rental in New Hampshire | $1000 Security Deposit

$1295 / 6-day Rental in Vermont | $1000 Security Deposit

$1495 / 6-day Rental in Massachusetts | $1000 Security Deposit

$1695 / 6-day Rental in Connecticut & Rhode Island | $1000 Security Deposit

$1895 / 6-day Rental in New York | $1000 Security Deposit

Rental fees include insurance; mainland boat delivery, set-up, and launching; and boat hauling, pack-up, and return transport to Stuart Marine Corp.

All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.


New renters are tested on the land and water.  

Stuart Marine Corp. reserves the right to refuse a boat rental to anyone. 


Main & jib sails

USCG safety & docking tie-up packages  

Outboard bracket only; no motor is provided by Stuart Marine Corp.  


In consideration of the following representations, covenants and agreements, Stuart Marine Corp., the Owner, hereby rents to the Renter the above described boat: 

1. Navigational Limitations: The Renter agrees to restrict the operation of the boat to the described area.

2. The Renter declares that he/she is experienced and qualified to handle the boat rented herein.

3. The Renter covenants and agrees that the boat will be operated in a safe and careful manner and with due diligence and shall be returned with the equipment and boat in the same condition as when taken, ordinary wear and tear excepted.

4. During the term of this agreement the Renter shall be in full control of the boat and it is expressly understood that the Renter is not the agent, servant or employee of the Owner, in any way whatsoever, and that the Owner is not responsible for injuries sustained by the Renter, his guests and employees.

5. The boat shall be used exclusively as a pleasure vessel for the safe and proper use by the Renter, his family, guests and employees during the term of this agreement and shall not be used to transport merchandise, nor passengers for hire or for pay.

6. The Owner herein assumes no responsibility for weather conditions which may arise or occur during the term of this agreement, and all rates and agreements will continue in full force and effect until the return of the boat to Owner.

7. The Renter further agrees:

  • a) To notify the Owner immediately of any accident involving the boat.
  • b) On demand, to reimburse the Owner for the cost of all damages to the boat and equipment resulting from accident, collision, theft or loss.
  • c) To release the Owner and/or boat from any claim for loss and/or injury of any nature whatsoever
  • d) To indemnify and save the Owner and/or boat harmless from any claim for liability for loss and/or injury to any other boat, property or persons, including all occupants of the boat hereby rented, by reason of accident involving the said boat during this rental or as a result of the operation of the boat in violation of any law or ordinance.

8. This contract constitutes the entire agreement by and between the parties hereto and no oral or implied agreement or understanding shall cancel or vary the terms of this contract unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties hereto.

9. Both parties acknowledge that they have read the foregoing provisions all of which they are in complete understanding and agreement.

10. Alcoholic beverages and narcotics are prohibited on all vessels.

11. Boat shall be returned by the time agreed or an hourly charge of $100.00 for each additional hour or fraction thereof will be due.