Shop Repairs
Shop Repairs
The cost of new boats is always increasing; and many owners know they own the perfect boat with their original Rhodes 19 and Mariner sailboats. Unfortunately, these owners can also be embarrassed by the appearance and worried about the strength and safety of their older boats.
Along with building beautiful new boats, our crew rebuilds the shine and reliability back into lots of older boats. And we’d like to earn the satisfaction of working with you on the factory repair, refurbishing, or reconditioning your boat.
We offer pick up and delivery for boat storage and repairs at our shop in Maine, from which we can work closely with you on the budgeting and planning and restoration of your classic boat. Our rates are low, our crew is experienced, and our results are beyond owner expectations.
Our pleasure is always keeping Rhodes 19 and Mariner sailboats looking great and working safely; and we’d like to keep you happily and confidently sailing your boat, too.
13015.500 Keel Boat Timber Kit Installation
23015.500 Centerboard Boat Timber Kit Installation
Rhodes 19 (1959 - 1980) Interior Woodwork Installation
45015.500 Mariner (1962 - 1968) Interior Woodwork Installation
07500.075 Manday of Scraping, Wire Brushing & Sanding
17010.500 Cast Iron Keel Service
27010.500 Cast Iron Centerboard Service
27010.100 Lift Boat & Inspect Centerboard
07500.075 Manday of Scraping, Wire Brushing & Sanding
07500.050 Bottom Painting of Used Hull
07500.060 Freshwater Bottom Coating of Hull
07500.070 Epoxy Barrier Coating of Hull
Manhours / FRP
Manhours / Shop
46065.050 Forward Ventilation Hatch Cover Installation
48083.050 Portlight Installation
15010.040 Rhodes 19 (1959 - 1980) Floorboard Set - Repair & Refinish
15010.050 Rhodes 19 (1959 - 1980) Floorboard Set - Refinish
15015.040 O'day Lazarette Shelf - Rebuild & Refinish
15015.050 O'day Lazarette Shelf - Refinish
15020.040 O'day Coaming Board Set - Rebuild & Refinish
15020.050 O'day Coaming Board Set - Refinish
15030.050 Rhodes 19 (1982 - Present) Teak Interior - Refinish
45010.140 Mariner (1962 - 1968) Floorboard Set - Repair & Refinish
45010.145 Mariner (1962 - 1968) Floorboard Set - Refinish
15015.040 O'day Lazarette Shelf - Rebuild & Refinish
15015.050 O'day Lazarette Shelf - Refinish
15020.040 O'day Coaming Board Set - Rebuild & Refinish
15020.050 O'day Coaming Board Set - Refinish
45010.165 Mariner (1962 - 1968) Mahogany Interior - Refinish
45016.050 Mariner Weatherboard Set - Refinish
45016.060 Mariner Mahogany Hatch Sliders - Refinish
Mariner Teak Weatherboard Set - Oil
Mariner Teak Hatch Sliders - Oil
12010.040 Fixed Rudder Assembly - Rebuild & Refinish
12010.050 Fixed Rudder Assembly - Refinish
22010.040 Kick up Rudder Assembly - Rebuild & Refinish
22010.050 Kick up Rudder Assembly - Refinish
22010.055 Kick up Rudder Blade - Refinish
32055.050 Tiller & Strap - Refinish
07740.000 Hull, Deck & Interior Detailing
07940.150 Paint Waterline - Brush
07950.150 Paint Waterline - Spray
07950.250 Paint Deck & Seats w/ Non-skid
07940.250 Paint Hull Interior - Brush
07940.300 Paint Interior Molded Fiberglass Components - Brush
07950.300 Paint Interior Molded Fiberglass Components - Spray
37065.550 Waterline - Scribe & Stripe w/ Tape
ALL Prices FOB Rockland, ME;
And Subject to Change Without Notice
Remove floorboards, mark timber positions, remove timbers, remove fiberglass & putty, grind hull interior, clean hull interior, dry fit timbers, cut & putty timbers to fit, fiberglass timbers
Directions for the Centerboard Pin Installation
- Position the centerboard in the vertical position.
- Lower the boat down over the head of the centerboard while sliding the centerboard up into the trunk; or raise the centerboard up into the centerboard trunk.
- Align the holes in the centerboard trunk with the bushing hole in the centerboard.
- Slide a smaller diameter bolt or drift pin through the centerboard pin hole in the trunk and through the hole in the centerboard to align and capture the centerboard.
- Silicone the rubber washers where they will meet the dry sides of the centerboard trunk.
- Assemble the rubber and stainless steel washers on the head side of the centerboard pin bolt.
- Withdraw the drift pin from the hole while sliding the threaded end of the centerboard pin bolt into the centerboard pin hole in the trunk; through the bushing hole in the centerboard; and out through the centerboard pin hole in the opposite side of the trunk.
- Install the second rubber washer and flat washer on the threaded end of the centerboard pin.
- Tighten the locknut so that the rubber washers just begin to squeeze out from behind the stainless steel flat washers.
- Stop and clean up the excess silicone.
- Allow the silicone to set for 24 hours before re-launching the boat.
Remove rubrail, reef joint, caulk, staple, install inner rubrail, install outer rubrail
Remove floorboards, mark timber positions, remove timbers, remove fiberglass & putty, grind hull interior, clean hull interior, dry fit timbers, cut & putty timbers to fit, fiberglass timbers