New Stuart 19 Powerboats — Stuart Marine Corp.

We are working remotely Jan 1 - Mar 31, 2025 @ Stuart Marine West, Salt Lake City, Utah USA

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38 Gordon Drive
Rockland, Maine 04841


Stuart 19 Powerboat Docked on the Hudson River New York.jpeg

New Stuart 19 Powerboats

New STUART 19 POWERBOATS - Center & Side Console models

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Stuart 19 Specifications

Stuart 19 Powerboat

Our semi-displacement Maine work boat hull is engineered to be powered comfortably by a fuel efficient 40 horsepower outboard motor. The traditional Downeast hull is sea proven with high freeboard, lowered center of gravity, shallow keel, strong sheer line, and easy running ride. 

The Stuart 19 powerboat rewards her owners with the exceptional stability, buoyancy, and dryness demanded by both experienced commercial and recreational boaters when working the legendary rough and cold waters of Coastal New England. 

Stuart Marine Corp. hand builds the unsinkable Stuart 19 semi-displacement hull with positive foam flotation below deck, and a quick draining work surface above deck. Her interior accommodations are individually designed and finished for a variety of commercial and recreational activities including yacht club launch services, island freighting, fresh and salt water fishing, day cruising, and overnight camping. 

The Stuart 19 powerboat is readily noticed and respected for her maritime qualities; and further complimented by the hundreds of sailboats and dinghies also crafted by Stuart Marine Corp. during the past forty years.

With our Maine boat manufacturing reputation firmly established, we are proud to offer and build the Stuart 19 powerboat for you, too.

Powerboat Specifications

Stuart 19

Overall Length

Waterline Length

Maximum Beam

Transom Beam


Freeboard Forward

Freeboard Aft

Cruising HP

Maximum HP

Hull Weight

USCG Capacities

Persons / Gear

Persons / Pounds

Year Introduced

Base Price

   Center Console

18' 5"


7' 3"

6' 7"


3' 0"

1' 11"






6 / 1200



   Side Console

18' 5"


7' 3"

6' 7"


3' 0"

1' 11"






6 / 1200



All Prices & Specifications FOB Rockland, Maine; and Subject to Change Without Notice

Stuart 19 Standard Equipment

Standard Equipment

Convenience Group

  • 2 Year Warranty

  • All Hardware Non-corrosive

  • Rot-resistant Composite Construction

  • Vinyl Gunwale Guard

  • Steering Kit

  • Bottom Painting

Dress Group

  • Molded Colors

Safety Group

  • Non-skid Deck

  • Unsinkable Positive Foam Flotation

  • Self-bailing Cockpit

  • Quality Hand Laminated Fiberglass

  • Strong Double Hull Construction

  • Stabilizing Molded Keel

  • Through-bolted Bow Eye

Stuart 19 Powerboat - A West Point (Bath, Maine) Work Boat Hull

Alton Wallace grew up fishing the New Meadows River; and began designing this boat’s predecessors in the 1940’s. He settled on the legendary West Point hull form in the mid-1950’s.

Mr. Wallace arrived at the hull shape in the traditional way. He carved his ideas into wood and dragged those models through the water.

As expected when built to scale, the West Point hull proved to be a stable fishing boat with good sea-keeping abilities.

Mr. Wallace built hundreds of these skiffs, and shared his design with local fishermen and coastal boat shops which built West Point hulls in wood or fiberglass.

While many of these West Point hulls were direct copies of Mr. Wallace’s original lines; others, like our Stuart 19 powerboat, are complimentary spin-off designs.

Stimson Marine, Inc.’s West Point hull lines (ca. 1989):

Many thanks for the research and information provided by builders Jack Dunn, Pointer Corp. and Harry Farmer, Seaway Boats, Inc; and writer Matthew Murphy, editor of Wooden Boat Magazines.
