Used Rhodes 19 Sailboats — Stuart Marine Corp.
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38 Gordon Drive
Rockland, Maine 04841



Used Rhodes 19 Sailboats

Used Rhodes 19 Sailboats - Keel & Centerboard Models

Used Rhodes 19 Keel Sailboat Store

2004 Rhodes 19 Sailboat Photo by owner Todd Logan, Osprey, Florida

2004 Rhodes 19 Sailboat, Osprey, Florida

Subject: Hurricane Ian and Tel-Tale

Message: You built our 1988 Rhodes 19 C/B Sailboat. We bought her used in 2007, and have sailed her on the ICW and Gulf every Oct - May since. Day after day we sail in various conditions. She has been wonderful. This Fall 2022 she was in the parking area, under our condo on Manasota Key near Englewood, FL. She was strapped to her trailer with her dinghy inside, mast on deck. Hurricane Ian called. Tel-Tale was picked up by 200 mph winds with her trailer and dinghy, and smashed on her side. Once righted a month later, she had a huge dent in her port side. Magic, after just one day, she healed! I never knew she was alive! We have sailed 5 Gt.Lakes, Trans-Atlantic, Med, Bk Sea. Never saw anything like it! There are some scratches rubbing compound doesn't get out, but not into the cloth, resin only. She has been a wonderful boat all these years, and I just wanted you to know how pleased we are. Thank you! There appears to be no damage to the hull or rigging. She will be relaunched soon. Keep up the good work! Hank and Julie
