New JC 9 & Stuart 9 Dinghies — Stuart Marine Corp.

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38 Gordon Drive
Rockland, Maine 04841



New JC 9 & Stuart 9 Dinghies

New JC 9 Sailing & Stuart 9 Rowing dinghies 

Rockport Boat Club - Youth Adventuring

Rockport Boat Club - Youth Adventuring

Huguenot Yacht Club - Adult Frostbiting

Huguenot Yacht Club - Adult Frostbiting

JC 9 Sailing Dinghies Under Construction

Dinghy Specifications

JC 9 Sailing & Stuart 9 Rowing dinghies 

The JC 9 / Stuart 9 dinghy hull was designed for winter frostbite sailing by adults in the cold, choppy waters of New England. However, before we could get a mast stepped on the first JC 9 sailing dinghy, we finished our hulls as Stuart 9 rowing dinghies and outboard powered tenders. Boaters were attracted to the nine foot boat by its double hull construction, safe Coast Guard ratings, high freeboard, comfortable seating, quality fit and finish; and the ease with which the hull moved through the water when rowed, powered, or towed. The JC 9 / Stuart 9 dinghy hull was a proven success even before she sailed, her intended purpose. 

Eventually, we started building the JC 9 sailing dinghy for customers with access to ocean, lake, pond, and puddle sailing, too. Anywhere people had a connection to the water, they wanted to sail the JC 9. Yacht clubs bought the JC 9 to teach sailing to children during the day and racing to their parents during the evening. 

Owners of powerboats or auxiliary sailboats bought the JC 9 for double duty: as large tenders and small daysailers. Families bought the JC 9 to safely introduce children to the water, to give parents a quiet place to catch up with themselves and their children, and to let grandparents bind the generations together in the activity and lifetime sport of sailing. 

The JC 9 dinghy tracks smartly through the water in light breezes or heavy weather. She can be sailed with the main and jib sail combination for best performance, or under mainsail alone. The boom swings well clear of the deck making seating and crew movement comfortable while sailing. The adjustable daggerboard, wide beam, and high sides make the JC 9 truly resistant to capsizing. She is unsinkable with positive foam flotation and a self-bailing cockpit. The JC 9 / Stuart 9 dinghy guarantees the best of small boat performance in work and play.

Dinghy Specifications


Overall Length

Waterline Length


Draft Minimum

Draft Maximum

Sail Area

Recommended HP

Mast Height

Mast Length

Mast Weight

Boom Length

Boom Weight

Dagger Material

Rudder Type

Rudder Material


Weight Complete

USCG Capacities

Persons + Gear

Persons / Pounds

Year Introduced

List Price

JC 9

9' 3"

9' 1"

4' 4"


3' 0"



15' 2"

14' 8"


6' 0"









4 / 570



Stuart 9

9' 3"

9' 1"

4' 4"

















4 / 570



All Prices & Specifications FOB Rockland, Maine; and Subject to Change Without Notice

Dinghy Standard Equipment

Standard Equipment

Convenience Group

  • 2 Year Warranty

  • All Hardware Non-corrosive

  • Vinyl Gunwale Guard

  • Oars with Locks

  • Anodized Mast and Boom

Dress Group

  • Molded Colors

  • Waterline Stripe

  • Solid Teakwood Interior

Safety Group

  • Quality Hand Laminated Fiberglass

  • Strong Double Hull Construction

  • Side Deck Grab Rails

  • Non-skid Floor, Deck and Seat Surfaces

  • Unsinkable Positive Foam Flotation

  • Stabilizing Molded Skeg

  • Through-bolted Bow Eye

JC 9 Sailing Performance Group

  • Best Dacron Running Rigging

  • Quick Release Sheet Cams

  • Stainless Steel Rigging with Swaged Terminals

  • Stainless Steel Stay Adjusters and Chainplates

Sail Magazine September 1997


Exploring Annapolis Harbor

Exploring Annapolis Harbor
