Tohatsu Motors — Stuart Marine Corp.

We are working remotely Jan 1 - Mar 31, 2025 @ Stuart Marine West, Salt Lake City, Utah USA

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38 Gordon Drive
Rockland, Maine 04841


Tohatsu Motors


Outboard Motors


Tohatsu Motors

Tohatsu Motors - Propane

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Tohatsu Motors - Propane


Torqeedo Motors

Torqeedo Travel L XP on a Rhodes 19

We have mounted a Torqeedo Travel L XP on our Rhodes 19, “A'bout Time”, moored on Salt Pond (Point Judith Pond) in Narragansett, Rhode Island.  We previously did not have a motor and have resorted to paddling through the gut at Galilee against the tide/wind.

The Travel L is nominally 3 horse power.  It is a lot of motor for a Rhodes 19.  In no wind, on just the motor, the boat did 4.8 knots at full throttle.  

Today we ran down Salt Pond under the main sail in front of 15 knots of wind from the north-east.  We sailed out the south entrance in the Point Judith breakwater and in the east entrance.  

On the way back we dropped the sails before re-entering Salt Pond and motored all the way back to Great Island, ~2.5 miles.  The tide was slack but the wind was at least 15 knots on the bow.  We made about 4 knots over ground.  I raised the centerboard.  When we moored, the Torqeedo indicated it had 40% of the battery remaining.  Tacking up the pond directly into the wind would have been a nightmare; it took about 40 minutes with the motor.

Prior to purchase we worried that the motor would not have enough power or range to get through the gut and up the pond.  It has plenty of both.  If all you wanted to do was get home when the wind dies I suspect you could save money by going with one of the smaller motors or the non-XP battery.  But we were glad to be home quickly on a cold, windy day.

Posted by Andrew K.

Engine Comparisons Suggested by Chris Edmonston for BoatUS

Engine Comparisons Suggested by Chris Edmonston for BoatUS
